Insights for competitive acquisitions

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How Clir empowers acquisitions

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Competitive edge

Clir uses intelligence drawn from more than 200 GW of data to provide data-driven insight into project opportunities.

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Leverage industry insights

Use the combination of site data and 200 GW industry data for improved certainty, upside potential and optimized bids.

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Benchmarked assumptions

Clir software references the world’s largest operational and risk dataset, including benchmarking data, for key operational energy yield assumptions.


loss categories benchmarked

Why Clir?

Data to improve certainty on assumptions

Clir delivers enhanced operational energy yields with detailed loss factors and a site-specific optimization roadmap based on industry benchmarks from sites of a similar vintage, technology and resource. This highlights the potential performance of assets to provide certainty for acquisitions, and can help to challenge assumptions for more favourable financing terms.

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Improved revenue assumptions

Clir uses intelligence from over 200 GW of projects alongside advanced AI to support superior bids.

  • Optimization roadmap to maximize production and increase the energy yield.
  • Benchmarking of loss assumptions against peers.
  • Prediction of production shape and volume to understand and optimize offtake revenue.
  • Lifetime generation predictions.
sm-wind-grey@2x Line graphic of North America vs Europe in terms of average total loss factors by year of operations
sm-wind-grey@2x Graphic of benchmarking

Insight on operational expenditure

With rapid interrogation of site data alongside industry data, Clir provides deeper insight into operational expenditure for:

  • Revenue optimization, inclusive of operations and data strategy.
  • Catastrophic risk mitigation.
  • Operations and maintenance optimization for technology type and maturity, region and operational strategy.

Capital expenditure optimization

Clir’s data and software are used to improve the accuracy of the energy yield during the bid stage and provide a roadmap to reduce energy yield uncertainty (1-year P90) to maximize debt on the asset and minimize cost of capital.

md-wind-grey@2x Energy yield output summary table
sm-wind-grey@2x Line graph of farm age verse single year of production p value

Financial scenario inputs

To optimize financial model up-side and down-side scenarios, Clir provides sensitivity inputs for: 

  • Uncertainty analysis on seller’s projections.
  • Margins for sensitivity analysis.

Improve acquisitions with Clir



Non-binding offer

Insight from over 200 GW of market intelligence is used alongside the information memorandum for a more informed bid.



Binding offer

Site-specific and industry data enable increased certainty on asset potential and the optimization roadmap. Data on technical assumptions allows for increased bid confidence.




Clir provides support to implement the optimization roadmap for continued operational success.

Insights for a more competitive bid.