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October 3rd, 2024
Clir’s detectors: PV tracker issues
Solar tracker systems are an advanced technology for mounting PV panels. They use motors to automatically move the panels to follow or track the sun,…
Cristina Daimiel
September 24th, 2024
Clir’s detectors: How snow affects solar panels
Solar panel installation is becoming increasingly common in areas with significant snowfall.
Cristina Daimiel
September 13th, 2024
Clir’s detectors: Understanding solar curtailment losses
Clir’s data frequently helps owners identify loss categories that can be rectified to increase annual energy production. Unfortunately, certain…
Cristina Daimiel
August 30th, 2024
Impacts of inverter failures on solar farms
Inverter failures are one of the most frequent types of failures on a solar PV farm, accounting for 17% of total incidents in our dataset. It can…
Cristina Daimiel
August 13th, 2024
Clir’s detectors: Solar panel soiling losses
Solar panel soiling refers to the accumulation of dirt, dust or debris on the face of PV modules. Soiling on the face of the modules will reflect or…
Cristina Daimiel
July 9th, 2024
How does lightning impact solar farms?
Lightning strikes are a common weather phenomenon — with over 40 million lightning strikes in the U.S. each year — and solar projects should be…
Cristina Daimiel
July 9th, 2024
Clir’s detectors: Component losses and risks
Understanding mitigable losses is key to improving the revenue and production of your solar farm. And while many losses cannot be changed, losses…
Cristina Daimiel
June 25th, 2024
Can solar farms withstand hurricanes and storms?
Storms and hurricanes are often thought of as more of a wind farm risk, however these risks are also present and significant at solar farms.
Cristina Daimiel
June 24th, 2024
Clir’s detectors: Understanding the impact of temperature on PV farms
Depending on the environment and the design specification, temperature losses can have a huge impact on the production and risks of a solar PV farm.
Cristina Daimiel
June 17th, 2024
Hail storms effect on solar farms
Climate change is dramatically increasing the destruction caused by hail storms2. As hail events become more frequent, owners need to understand how…
Cristina Daimiel
June 11th, 2024
Leveraging data to identify solar risks and losses
The solar energy industry is experiencing rapid, unprecedented growth. In 2023, global renewable energy capacity increased by nearly 50%, the fastest…
Cristina Daimiel
November 14th, 2023
Lighting the way: Three ways to leverage solar project data
The renewable energy industry is experiencing significant growth, with solar energy becoming one of the fastest growing sources. The International…
Taij Taggar